Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Keeping Landri's CI on - Goal Number 1!

Keeping Landri's CI on her head has been quite the journey!  The first 5 or 6 days were......brutal. :-)  Every 15 seconds Landri took her CI off.  The first night we got home the only way she would keep it on was if we kept her hands busy. 

We first tried pickles then we tried to get her out of the high chair and play with her but she pulled the CI off in 20 seconds.

Sooooooo.....she got more pickles! Then we tried to play and she took her CI off in 20 seconds!

Soooo....she went back in her high chair before bed and got a cookie......and then mom and dad decided it was time for bed.

The next couple of days Landri got to eat mashed potatoes in Aunt Paula's lap to keep her hands off her CI.....

She got to chew on things too small for her that she could choke on to keep her hands off her CI...

We tried little hats that her friend Lily sent her (thanks guys! - your support is amazing and we can't thank you enough!!).  Landri was less than thrilled to have an extra thing on her head - although they work fab when we are outside with her!!

And then finally we tried the Lite Wear option that Cochlear provided us with.  Part of the processor that used to be behind her ear is now clipped to the bottom of her shirt and connected with a cord to the piece with the microphones that are still behind her ear.....and we love it!!!  I think that when we had the whole processor behind her ear it was just too heavy.  We finally found a groove!! What a relief!!

And the whole time I am sure that she is thinking....."what are they fussing so much about? what's the big deal?"  :-)

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